Thursday, December 8, 2011

Given the authority to establish a holiday, what would you choose to commemorate? Why? What would the celebration look like?

If I had the authority to establish a holiday I would make a day where we commemorate teenagers. I choose this because teenagers are always stereotyped as irresponsible, immature, and rebellious. We are never appreciated for our good qualities. Therefore, there should be a day in which we are appreciated and allowed to prove to our piers what we are capable of. The celebration would be just like mothers day or fathers day. Our parents would show to us how important we are to them and convey all we do for them, and how responsible we can be. Teenagers go through a lot hormones, school, boyfriend or girlfriend problems, confidence, and self-esteem problems. All this accumulates and evokes in us insecurities and with adults telling us were immature all it does is degrade the way we think of ourselves. Finally,  that is why I would like to have a day where all teenagers are appreciated and given a break from all the stress we face.

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